Monday, November 24, 2014

With Gratitude

My dad passed away suddenly about 3 weeks ago. It was a shock to us all, without any real good byes. I can't really do more than give the facts right now, and I suppose this isn't the place. However, I just wanted to say thank you.

I've prayed all my life for a friend. Just one friend. One that I could talk to, confide in, and lean into when I needed help, and do the same in return for her. I was almost into my 30's before I met her. And "her" turned out to be "them". I have found myself surrounded by this incredible group of people. A group, mostly comprised of women, but one's who give and bless and love, without even realizing what they are actually doing.

I'll talk directly to you. Yes, you. If you're reading this, you're probably one of them. You brought food, you came to the funeral home, you text me or called me. You prayed for me. I felt it. I probably didn't answer your messages. This was all very overwhelming for me. But I felt it! I can't quite explain how you choosing to be a part of a rally that lifted me up, and reassured me that I was not alone, mattered. I might not have seen you, or known exactly what you did for me. But I want you to know that you matter. Grief floods, crashes against you, disorients you from all you think that you know about life. But we (you) choose to step out, sometimes for someone you might only know minimally, you show Christ. The very one we're called to be like, you become. You help to right what's wrong, at least for the moment. And for the record, at least for me, you helped me to continue to stand up straight. I want you to know that even if I forget to say it, or don't get the chance (or think I did, when I really didn't), I am grateful for every spoken prayer, and every other picture of love you showed to me and to my family.

I'll close with this. Don't ever think you've got nothing to offer. Don't presume to think that God did not equip you with the ability to show compassion, in whatever manner is appropriate at the time. Don't choose to not send that card or text. Don't hesitate to call and be a "bother". Because even if they don't answer, or call you back, you added one more brick to the wall of protection and love that people who grieve need to lean against. Reach out and show Jesus at every opportunity.

Thank you again. My family was overwhelmed with your enormous show of support!



Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Managing your Mouth

The kids and I started a study this week called "How to Manage your Mouth; A 30 day Wholesome Talk Challenge" Whew! From the very first page, I was thinking in my head "I'm not really sure I want to do this... especially with the kids!" This one hits really, really close to home for me. I don't particularly care for those type lessons, but as usual, I am aware they are necessary.

Ephesians 4:29 says "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen."

Unwholesome talk? Merriam Webster defines 'unwholesome' as "1. not good for health 2. detrimental to physical, mental or moral well-being 3. offensive to the senses.

 The book points out 3 parts of this verse in Ephesians, as 3 questions to ask before we speak. Is it good? Is it necessary? Is it beneficial to the listener? I've got to be honest with you, in saying at least 50% of the time, no. To all of the questions. I'm quick to correct or snap at my children, quick to be snippy with my husband when he hurts my feels or makes me angry, quick to be irritated with the lady in front of me checking out taking FOREVER when I didn't want to be shopping in the first place.

But Proverbs says "The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." I want to bring healing to my family, to my friends, and even to the strangers in the store. I don't want to use my words carelessly. I want to show compassion, even when that person(s) are jumping on my last nerve. I want to listen carefully and speak only if it's good.

So I'll ask you. Are you building each other up? Are you a healing balm to your hurting friend when he/she needs it? Are you speaking gently to your children when you really just want to scream? Are you blessing your husband with a quiet response when he's careless with your heart? Are you seeking out others to encourage and lift them up?Trust me when I say this is so hard for me. Especially at home, where it's safe to explode with no one watching. I want my kiddos to remember a mama who struggled with her tongue, but conquered through a God who loves her and strengthens her for the road each day.

I want to add this one last thing. Guarding your tongue does not necessarily mean that you should always be silent. It means that the words that you do choose to use are ones that are helpful and beneficial to the listener. This is something I'm learning for myself. Some times those words are tough to hear. Sometimes they're even tougher to say. But we are called to speak the truth. Listen to the Holy Spirit when he prompts you. Don't be afraid!

If you're interested in reading the book I mentioned, click here to get it!

Monday, February 24, 2014


Hey ya'll... just thought I'd start with a welcome. If you were following me before, I apologize. I had to start over, as my blog apparently disappeared!

You'll have to forgive me. It's been awhile, and this suddenly is a little nerve-wracking for me for some reason. Life has changed a lot for me over the last couple of years. Love me the way I am!

I'll have been married for 12 years in June, to my husband Rich. We have 4 children between us. Anthony, 17; Destiny, 16, Grace, 12, and Christian is 8, 9 in just a few weeks!

We are well into our 5th year of homeschooling, and it's been a crazy ride. I was able to quit my job 2 years ago, and love being home with my kiddos!

That's the basics. I'm an open book for the most part, as I'm sure you'll see. I plan to just share my heart here, the things that the Lord is teaching me, sometimes the things my kids teach me!